Enhance your food/drink presentation with dry ice!

use of dry ice: Enhance your food/drink presentation

Living in the modern era of social media, the presentation of food is becoming even more important than its taste. Anything new in the food market gets attention from its astonishing presentation and marketing. Presentation of food is the key to elevating all five senses into the eating experience.

The criteria for food to be rated as 5 star is not only dependent on its taste alone; how ‘Instagrammable’ the food looks in the photos is a big crowd puller for restaurants, even for families trying to vow their peers in feasts.

And if you are looking for something that will amaze everyone at your party or keep bringing back your customers you must try Dry Ice!

It gives the finishing touch of a class which cannot fail to go unnoticed, wowing your patrons, and outclassing your competitors. Dry ice is the right choice! It creates thick, gray clouds around your food to make it look effortlessly alluring.

What is Dry Ice?

Carbon dioxide in its solid phase is known as Dry Ice. Adrien Jean was the first one to discover  when he was working with a liquid form of CO2. The most interesting fact about  is that it sublimates (i.e.converts to gas state directly from solid-state and does not pass through liquid state) at 109 F (-78.5 C). 

It is mostly used to store frozen food when refrigerators are not available. Nowadays dry ice is being used to create smokey thick clouds at concerts and parties. It has types according to its use or purity. 

  • The one which is used as a cooling agent or which is used at concerts contains some impurities (i.e.added lubricants etc).
  • While the other which is to be used in or around the food is of high quality (100% pure CO2)

Handling of Dry Ice

Dry ice is supposed to be handled with extreme care as it frosts your skin cells and causes injuries that are similar to burns. It should be handled while wearing protective insulating gloves or if not present use tongs or other such things.
It should be used in a properly ventilated area as in poor ventilated areas it can decrease the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere and thus cause suffocation or even asphyxiation.

Ensure to store Dry Ice in properly sealed thermocol containers otherwise it will evaporate in no time.

No Compromise in Quality

The Food Purpose Dry Ice must be 100% pure and should not contain any impurities. As some impurities may be harmless while others may be potentially nasty contaminants. It could have residual machine oil in it from the compressors that it’s made in, which can be extremely dangerous for human health as it can intoxicate people leading to severe health issues.

No one should ever swallow dry ice as it can burn internally and can cause severe internal injuries as well as produce CO2 gas when sublimated which can suffocate you.

Uses of Dry Ice 

  • Dry Ice is used to make punch bowls at home especially for Hallowe’en and other parties. As it creates a cloudy effect to make your celebration extraordinary.
  • It is also used for making soda fountains.
  • Most commonly it is used for the storage of frozen food when refrigerators are not available.
  • It is also used for making food i.e. in making Ground Beef. It is crushed into really small pieces and then incorporated into the ground meat to keep it cold while it is being processed. 
  • Dry ice pellets which are non-abrasive, non-toxic, and non-corrosive are used for cleaning of household equipment as it does not leave any harmful waste. This process is called dry ice blasting.
  • Dry ice blasting offers a safe alternative to cleaning containers, mixers, conveyors, and ovens.when proper sanitation procedures are not available in the production of food and beverages. 


Best place for ‘The Best’ Dry Ice

You would have often struggled to find high-quality dry ice from the market in the UAE. The retail and food market shops often sold low-quality dry ice that is unsuited for food. Luckily, for us after tremendous success in the United Kingdom. GasOnTrade has started its operations all across UAE. Finding the best quality dry ice to spice up your presentation is now stress-free. Delivering the highest quality is the standard so you can place your order without a worry in the world and enjoy the premium experience.

For orders and queries, contact us or send an email at sales@gasontrade.com.  

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