Interesting uses of Oxygen Gas!

oxygen gass

Can anyone imagine life on this planet even for a second without oxygen? Absolutely no! If we are living today, it’s just because of the oxygen gas around us. 

It is the 3rd most abundant chemical element of the universe. The human body consists of 65% of oxygen so it’s also the most abundant element of our body. It is a colorless, odorless gas having atomic number 8. It is symbolized by O. 


In 1772, oxygen was first discovered by Swedish chemist C.W. Scheele. He gives the name to oxygen gas “fire air”. It is because air is needed to burn it. However, he didn’t publish his results at that time and in 1774, British researcher Joseph Priestley independently discovered this element. The word “oxygen” originated from Greek words (oxygenes) meaning “acid former”. 

Exciting Facts about Oxygen gas:

We can find oxygen everywhere in our surroundings. Every human and animal inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide in the respiratory process. Here are some interesting facts that you need to know about this essential component of survival. 

  • It is easily dissolvable in cool water instead of warm water. 
  • Through Electrolysis, you can convert the water into hydrogen and oxygen.
  • The process of photosynthesis (plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen) produces oxygen in the air. Without plants, the amount of oxygen in the air would be very low.
  • Earth is the only planet where oxygen has a high percentage.
  • In the human body, important components of proteins and DNA are based on oxygen atoms. 
  • The process of combining oxygen with other atoms for compound making is known as oxidation.
  • Around 21% of the atmosphere of earth is made up of oxygen and the mass of the earth’s crust is made up of around 50% of this element.
  • Water is made up of the one atoms of oxygen (H2O)
  • The ozone layer that protects the earth from UltraViolet radiation is made up of oxygen.

Do you know the use of oxygen other than the respiratory process in our daily lives? 

Oxygen is an important element not only for breathing but for other processes also. It is used in medical, industrial, aerospace programs, etc. 

Uses of oxygen in daily life:

Here are some uses of oxygen you should be aware of:

  • Use of oxygen gas in industries:

It is used with a combination of acetylene gas for the production of an oxy-acetylene flame. This flame is utilized for metals melting, welding, and cutting as its temperature increases up to 3500OC. 

It is also used in the steel and iron production in the blast furnaces. Oxygen gas burns off the impurities of carbon. It is utilized as an exposure element for rock’s blasting in mines.  

  • Use of oxygen in chemical manufacturers:

In the formation of sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and other acids and compounds, oxygen gas is used. For the improvement in reaction rate, ozone is utilized. It is also used for the assurance of full oxidation of the compounds. 

  • Use of oxygen in automobiles and space crafts:

To generate energy in automobiles, oxygen gas is needed. Generators and other vehicles (airplanes, ships, cars, etc.) required oxygen gas for combustion. 

In the spacecraft, liquid oxygen is utilized as an oxidizing agent to use in rockets and missiles. It makes a reaction with liquid hydrogen to generate the required thrust that is needed for take-off. A pure form of oxygen is included in the astronaut spacesuits.

  • Use of oxygen for water purification:

In the sewage-treatment and wastewater treatment plants, oxygen gas is utilized for their environmental protection. It increases the bacteria’s production in the water that absorbs the waste products in it. 

  • Use of oxygen in mountain climbing and scuba diving:

Mountaineers use compressed oxygen tanks because of a shortage of oxygen in the heights. Similarly, scuba divers also wear an oxygen mask because of the low pressure of oxygen underwater. 

When going to the hospitals, we observe many patients lying in the bed of the ICU wearing a certain mask. Do you know what that mask is?

 It is an oxygen mask that covers the patient’s mouth to stable his breathing. 

Use of oxygen in the medical sector:

Oxygen is widely used in the medical sector to rescue patients suffering from respiratory diseases. It provides life support to patients who are on ventilators.

Patients suffering from fatal obstructive pulmonary ailment are prescribed for oxygen therapy by doctors. In it, oxygen gas is used to restore tissues damaged by chronic diseases. It is also used to sterilize the instruments that are used for different treatments. Similarly, surgical patients needed supplemental oxygen. 

Looking for a supplier to buy Oxygen gas in the UAE?

Don’t worry, we have got you covered. Now you can easily buy Oxygen gas in UAE which is highly efficient, and that too at affordable rates. Call us today and enjoy free delivery!

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